Medcalf V-Ti-Fe Project
Project Highlights
- Strategic metals asset containing three valuable metals – vanadium, titanium and iron
- 100% Audalia Resources owned
- Resource exploration indicates high grade vanadium and titanium resources
- Orebody close to surface, low risk and simple mining operation
- Wide market application of project products
- Only 220kM from Esperance deep water port
- Strong global growth forecast for project products.
The Medcalf Project is a vanadium, titanium and iron project located some 470 kilometeres south east of Perth near Lake Johnson, Western Australia. The Medcalf Project comprises one granted Mining Lease M63/656 and two granted Exploration Licenses E63/1133, and E63/1134 covering a total area of 24 km2.
The Medcalf Project lies in the southern end of the Archaean Lake Johnston greenstone belt. This greenstone belt is a narrow, north-northwest trending belt approximately 110 km in length. It is located near the south margin of the Yilgarn Craton, midway between the southern ends of the Norseman-Wiluna and the Forrestania-Southern Cross greenstone belts.
Activities conducted by Audalia at the Medcalf Project to date include completing:
- a review of historic exploration activities;
- detailed geological mapping;
- aerial photography;
- several rock chip sampling programme;
- an Ethnographic Heritage Survey;
- an Anthropological Heritage Survey;
- an Archaeological Heritage Survey;
- signing a Definitive Land Access Agreement with the Ngadju People;
- a Level 1 and 2 Flora and Fauna Survey and 3 Conservation Management Plans;
- 123 RC drillholes for 3,556m;
- a JORC Indicated and Inferred Resource of 31Mt @ 0.45%V2O5 and 8.4%TiO2;
- 19 PQ core holes for metallurgical testwork; and
- A Pre-Feasibility study (PFS).
A map setting out the interpretive geology of the Medcalf Project may be downloaded here
(new clickable link for geology map = MD053 Medcalf geology.pdf)
Mineral Resource
An Independent Mineral Resource Estimation on the Medcalf Deposit was updated by Cube Consulting in August 2019. A JORC (2012) compliant Indicated and Inferred resource of a total of 32Mt grading 49.2% Fe2O3, 0.47% V2O5 and 8.98% TiO2 was calculated.
Indicated & Inferred JORC (2012) Resource Estimate
Native Title Agreement
The Ngadju People are traditional owners of the land. In November 2015, Audalia signed a Land Access and Heritage Agreement with the indigenous traditional owners of the land “The Ngadju People”. This led to the granting of M63/656 Mining Lease for the Medcalf Project by the State Government. The Agreement covers a range of commercial and non-commercial terms.